Energomontaż Polska wersja
Press service

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Vintage Boats and Yachts in Gdańsk – an event sponsored by EP

On 27-29 August 2010 the Fourth Rally of Vintage Boats and Yachts took place in Gdańsk Marina. This meeting of vintage boat and yacht enthusiasts from all over the world was organised by the City of Gdańsk, the Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre in Gdańsk and Captain Jerzy Wąsowicz, th



Installation of girders completed at PGE-Arena Gdańsk stadium

The installation of girders at the site of the Euro 2012 stadium PGE-Arena in Gdańsk-Letnica has been completed. On August 31 the last of 82 large elements was put in place. Installation work on the remainder of the structure, as well as final anti-corrosion work, is continuing.



Energomontaż-Południe SA were honoured with a Gold Diamond

Last Sunday, August 28, saw the 15th Silesian Gala of the Business Centre Club held at the Hunting Castle in Promnice.



We Respond to Investors – an award from Puls Biznesu

The daily Puls Biznesu runs an "Investor Action" program in which it recognises companies that treat investors seriously and respond quickly to the majority of their questions. We are pleased to announce that Energomontaż-Południe S.A. is among the 60 companies honoured with a special logo



EP as the new sponsor to appear on the shirts of the “new" GKS.

On 28th July, in the "Spiż" music club located in Katowice in Opolska street, a pre-season presentation of GKS Katowice was held. It is was a special event, as considerable changes took place in the football club: new Management, new players, and first of all - a new major sponsor, Energom



New licenses for Installation Production of Energomontaż-Południe SA

Zakład Produkcji Montażowej Energomontaż-Południe SA (Installation Production Company of Energomontaż-Południe SA) received further licenses SLV that qualify the producer/contractor to weld elements of steel constructions in accordance with DIN 18800-7.



Energomontaż-Południe SA announced the strategic sponsor of GKS Katowice

On 8th July, in Bukowa street in Katowice, a press conference was organised by the "new" GKS Katowice football club. Energomontaż-Południe SA has been involved financially in collaboration with the football club from Katowice and has become its Strategic Sponsor for the new season of 2010/



EP carry on with new technology

Energomontaż Południe bought from Zakład Produkcji Przemysłowej Będzin Łagisza (Będzin Łagisza Industrial Production Plant) a plasma cutting-off machine with a 3D innovational head.



EP on the 7th Great Picnic - European and World Regions

On Sunday, 20th June 2010, 7th Great Picnic - European and World Regions took place on the area of Castle Park in Pszczyna.



Open Days of Osiedle Książęce - 12-13 June 2010

Open Days of "Osiedle Książęce" took place on 12th and 13th June on the area of the newly-built housing estate in Katowice-Ligota (ul. Piotrowicka 89d).


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