string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt67b16cd958125'" string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt67b16cd95822c'" Energomontaż Polska wersja
Issue Prospectus & Annexes
string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt67b16cd961611'"

The Company's Series E share issue was a private placement to holders of Series A subscription warrants and did not require drawing up the prospectus.

The Company's Series D share issue was a private placement in exchange for a 40% stake in Amontex PM Sp. z o.o. This issue did not require drawing up the prospectus.

Issue Prospectus | Issue Prospectus validity date: 09/17/2007
Issue Prospectus validity date: 09/17/2007 [9.33 MB: available in Polish only]
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Annex No. 3 to the Issue Prospectus [76 KB: available in Polish only]
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Annex No. 2 to the Issue Prospectus [199 KB: available in Polish only]
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Annex No. 1 to the Issue Prospectus [871 KB: available in Polish only]
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Issue Prospectus | Issue Prospectus validity date: 08/27/1997
Issue Prospectus validity date: 08/27/1997 [4.40 MB: available in Polish only]
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