Energomontaż Południe


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During the 4th Congress of Investor Relations of Listed Companies SEG, which took place in June 12, 2012, the results of the Golden Website contest have been announced. 

We are proud to inform, that Energomontaż-Południe SA is the winner in the category of companies listed on the Stock Exchange which do not belong to the indices WIG-20, WIG-40 and sWIG80.
In addition to the above, Energomontaż-Południe SA was awarded the Special Prize of the Treasury Minister for the best communication with individual investors.

All companies listed on the Stock Exchange (749) has been examined. 
Golden Website Award for Energomontaż-Południe SA


On 16 December 2010 the 3rd "Polish Leaders of Innovation and Development" competition was decided in Warsaw. The idea of the competition is to identify and promote ventures and initiatives with an innovative and developmental character.
leader of innovation - energomontaż-południe sa
We are proud to announce that Energomontaż-Południe SA won the main distinction in the "Innovative Service - Big Firm" category and was awarded the title "Polish Leader of Innovation and Development 2010". The distinction concerns "Specialist comprehensive assembly services for supercritical power furnaces".
October 30, 2010 "Energomontaż- Południe SA" received recommendation of the Business Centre Club, as the reliable and trustworthy company, respecting the principles of business ethics and accepting the code of honor.
Recommendation of BCC

"Energomontaż - Południe Energomontaż-Południe SA was awarded a distinction in the "Company with a Good Image" (Firma Dobrze Widziana) Competition.
The distinction (see the diploma below) was awarded in appreciation of the company's image in the context of corporate social responsibility, which is the best in the Silesian Voivodeship.
Energomontaż-Południe SA - Company with a Good Image Competition
During the 15th Silesian Gala of the Business Centre Club in Promnice, Energomontaż-Południe SA and its Board President Mr. Andrzej Hołda were honoured with a Gold Diamond, to be affixed to their Silesian Business Caesar statuette. The award is granted to businesses and their managers for successfully maintaining their position as market leaders. It marks the prize-winning company's good financial performance and its considerable involvement in BCC and social activities.
a Gold Diamond - Energomontaż-Południe SA and President of the Menagement Board Andrzej Hołda

During the ceremonial Gala of 20th anniversary of the Regional Economic Chamber in Katowice President Andrzej Hołda received the Honorary Badge of the Regional Economic Chamber that acknowledges the support of the development of the Chamber. This is how the engagement of President Andrzej Hołda in cooperation and promotion of the idea of self regulating trade associations was appreciated.

The ceremony took place on 11th June in the Upper-Silesian Cultural Center in Katowice.

Honorowa Odznaka RIG dla Prezesa EPSA Pana Andrzeja Hołdy
Energomontaż-Południe SA, being one of 55 companies from all around Poland, was awarded under the Polish Economy Ambassador 2010 content organised by Business Centre Club.

On 17th May, at the Grand Gala held at the palace of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the President of Energomontaż-Południe SA, Mr. Andrzej Hołda, received a diploma to the title granted from Minister Jan Borkowski and the President of BBC, Mr. Marek Goliszewski.


Ambasador polskiej gospodarki - energomontaż południe sa

The Company was awarded under the category of Partner of Foreign Companies in recognition of strengthening of Poland's international image as a reliable partner in business and supporting the positive image of a Polish entrepreneur. Such an attitude is known to contribute to the economic growth of the country as well as attracts investors and creates a trust capital towards Poland and the Polish people.

Energomontaż-Południe SA was among the companies awarded under the 10th edition of the European Medal for Services 2010 contest. The award was granted in recognition of "comprehensive specialist assembly services for pressure parts of supercritical power boilers".
European Medal for Services 2010 Energomontaż Południe SA

The medal is granted for products and services conforming with the relevant European standards. Wining the award also means a recommendation of the Office of the Committee for European Integration, Business Centre Club and one of the most important business institutions in the European Union, the European Economic and Social Committee.
This year's European Medal is the fifth in the collection of Energomontaż-Południe which is the best recommendation for the quality of the services delivered by the Company.
President of the Management Board of Energomontaż-Południe SA, Andrzej Hołda, at the 18th Gala of the Skill and Competence Laurels, was awarded with the Platinum Laurels of the "Ambassador for Polish Affairs". The awards are granted by the Regional Chamber of Economy in Katowice to the persons with special contribution in representing Poland on the European and international scale, or who, as foreign citizens, significantly support our country.
Platynowy Laur Ambasador Spraw Polskich - Prezes Zarządu Energomontaż-Południe SA Energomontaż-Południe SA

President of the Management Board of Energomontaż-Południe SA - Andrzej Hołda
Platinum Laurels of the "Ambassador for Polish Affairs"

This award was granted in recognition of numerous merits, but especially for effective management of a company with many years of experience in the international power engineering market, for promotion of the Polish honesty, reliability and organisational culture, and for implementation of state-of-the-art technologies for assembly of power and industrial plants and efficient collaboration with international corporations.
President Andrzej Hołda was handed over the award by Andrzej Olechowski, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Tadeusz Donocik, President of the Regional Chamber of Economy in Katowice.
click for more >>>
On 19th November, the Royal Castle in Warsaw held the awarding ceremony of the 7th edition of the "Polish Economy Pearls 2009" ("Perły Polskiej Gospodarki 2009") ranking. Energomontaż-Południe S.A. was granted a distinction award under the Large Pearls category for consistent implementation of the company‘s policy and strategy as well as for the leading position among the most dynamic and efficient Polish enterprises. This year's award has been the second such achievement of the Katowice-based company. The previous one was granted in 2008.

The ranking covered more than 2,000 largest Polish enterprises, such as banks, industrial, media, insurance and other companies.

Polish Economy Pearls 2009



Under the 4th edition of the contest organised by the "Europejska Firma" (European Company) magazine, the Institute of Local Business (Instytut Lokalnego Biznesu) and the Business Cheetahs Club (Klub Gepardów Biznesu), Energomontaż-Południe SA received the Business Cheetah statuette.
The main assessment criterion assumed in the contest was the average dynamic of receipts and net profit within the years 2005 - 2008.


Business Cheetah Award for Energomontaż-Południe SA



In January 2009 Energomontaż-Południe SA was awarded with the "Transparent Company" certificate, which is granted for the publication of financial reports. The certificate was granted by the Dun And Bradstreet Poland Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw, in cooperation with Getin Bank S.A.

Obtaining this award not only stands as an expression of financial reliability and honesty, but also increases the prestige and competitiveness of the company on the market.

Energomontaż-Południe SA - Przejrzysta Firma


The results of the 6th edition of the Pearls of the Polish Economy ranking were announced at a festive Laureates Gala at the Royal Castle in Warsaw on 21st November 2008. The ranking is co-organised by the Polish Market economic magazine published in English and the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (INE PAN).

Energomontaż-Południe SA was awarded with the Large Pearl of the Polish Economy certificate.

Energomontaż-Południe SA - Cezar Śląskiego Biznesu BCC

During the Silesian Gala of the Business Centre Club in Promnice on 30th August 2008, Energomontaż-Południe SA was awarded with the Silesian Business Caesar.
The  prize is granted to companies who systematically invest in the development, care about the quality and modernity of their products, protect the natural environment and are involved charity.


In 2005, the company was awarded with the Statuette of the "Silesian Oscar". The prize is an expression of appreciation for the professionalism, reliability, and promptness - features characterising Energomontaż-Południe S.A. for more than half a century.


Prizes and awards granted to Energomontaż-Południe SA since 2000:

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