string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt665caa81d442d'" string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt665caa81d452e'" Energomontaż-Południe SA - Current Reports
Energomontaż The Winner - The Golden Website - V Edition Nagroda Ministra Skarbu Państwa dla Energomontaż-Południe SA Wyniki I etapu Konkursu ZŁOTA STRONA EMITENTA VI
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18/2009 (04.08.2009)

The conclusion of expending resources from the issue of the Issuer’s C-series shares

In relation to point 1.1 and 1.2 of Recommendations included in “Good Practices of Companies Quoted on Stock Exchange” in the scope of providing wide and effective access to the information necessary to assess the Company’s position, Zarząd Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Issuer, the Company) informs that, as of the date of issue of the present report, the Company has fully used the resources obtained from shareholders within the framework of the issue of C-series shares of the amount of PLN 36.5 million.


17/2009 (04.07.2009)

The conclusion of an agreement with E.ON Anlagenservice GmbH to assembly the pressure part of a boiler in the Maasvlakte power plant in Holland

In relation to current report No. 15/2009 of 25th March 2009, the Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Issuer, the Company) informs that on 6th April 2009 an agreement was concluded between the Company and E.ON Anlagenservice GmbH, whose subject was to perform the assembly of the pressure part of a boiler in the Maasvlakte power plant in Rotterdam, Holland by the Issuer.


16/2009 (04.03.2009)

Conclusion of an agreement of assembly work on units 800 MW of the Westfalen Power plant in Germany with Amontex PM Sp. z o.o.

The Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. with its official seat in Katowice (the Issuer, the Company) informs that on 3rd April 2009 the Issuer and his subsidiary entity Amontex Przedsiębiorstwo Montażowe Sp. z o.o. with its official seat in Piotrków Trybunalski (the Contractor) concluded an agreement of the assembly of ducts in two newly-built energy units D and E (800 MW each) in Westfalen, Germany (information on the conclusion of the agreement, whose subject was to perform the aforesaid assembly work by the Company was submitted by the Issuer in Current Report No. 12/2009 on 16th March 2009).


15/2009 (03.25.2009)

The order of E.ON Anlagenservice GmbH to assembly the pressure part of a boiler in the Maasvlakte power plant in Holland.

The Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Issuer, the Company) informs that on 24th March 2009 the Company received an order of E.ON Anlagenservice GmbH of the value of about €2.86 million (which after conversion acc. to the mean rate of € announced by NBP, valid on the day when the present report is submitted, corresponds to the amount of about PLN 13 million).


14/2009 (03.17.2009)

Change concerning the dates of publishing periodical reports in the year 2009.

Acting according to § 103 par. 2 of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance dated 19 February 2009 concerning current and periodical information submitted by security issuers and conditions, related with the recognition of information as equivalent, required by legal regulations of the country, which is not a member state (the Ordinance), the Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Issuer, the Company) gives to public knowledge new dates of issuing periodical reports in the year 2009


13/2009 (03.16.2009)

Finishing the programme related with buying back own shares for redemption

The Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. in Katowice (the Issuer, the Company) informs that today the Company obtained information from the brokerage house, with which the Issuer concluded a contract for the execution of the process of buying back own shares (the Brokerage House), concluding the results of the process lasting from 9 May 2008 until 14 March 2009 concerning buying back own shares executed within the above-mentioned process.


12/2009 (03.16.2009)

Conclusion of agreements with Alstom Power Systems GmbH on the realisation of works on 800MW blocks in Westfalen Power Plant in Germany

In relation to current report No. 102/2008 dated 24 October 2008 and report No. 104/2008 published on 13 November 2008 the Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Issuer, the Company) informs that on 16 March 2009 contracts have been concluded between the Issuer and Alstom Power Systems GmbH, which regulate liabilities of the parties resulting from previously obtained orders for the production of prefabricated elements and assembly of two exhaust fumes and air channels of coal boilers operating in 800 MW blocks of the Westfalen Power Plant in Germany, of which the Company informed in the above-mentioned announcements.


11/2009 (03.10.2009)

Concluding an agreement with Steinmüller Instandsetzung Kraftwerke GmbH company

The Management Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Issuer, the Company) informs that on 10 March 2009 the Company concluded an agreement with a German company Steinmüller Instandsetzung Kraftwerke GmbH, and its subject matter concerns the realisation of reconstruction works on the pressure part of the boiler No. 4 in Bełchatów S.A. Power Plant by the Issuer.


10/2009 (03.06.2009)

Recalling the managing person of the Issuer

Acting on the basis of §5 par. 1 point 21 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance dated 19th October 2005 on current and periodical information submitted by issuers of securities the Board of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. in Katowice (the Issuer, the Company) informs that on 5th March 2009 the Supervisory Board of the Issuer made a decision to recall Mr Tadeusz Torbus from the previously occupied function of the Member of the Company Management Board as of 5th March 2009


9/2009 (02.24.2009)

Informing the shareholder about the change concerning the ownership status of the Issuer shares

Acting on the basis of art. 70 point 1 of the Act dated 29th July 2005 on the public offer and conditions concerning the introduction of financial instruments to the organised system of turnover and on public companies (Act on the offer), the board of the Energomontaż-Południe S.A. (the Issuer, the Company) informs that on 24th February 2009 the Issuer has obtained the information of the following content from Stanisław Gasinowicz:


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