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Increase of share capital and issuance of series F shares – Extraordinary General Meeting of Energomontaż Południe SA


Increase of share capital and issuance of series F shares – Extraordinary General Meeting of Energomontaż Południe SA


On July 18, 2012, during the Extraordinary General Meeting, the Shareholders decided to increase the share capital by issuance of not less than 40.000.000 and not more than 70.000.000 of F class shares. The shares shall be proposed for private placement.

According to the resolution, the existing shareholders have been deprived of the series F shares subscription right.

In Energomontaż Południe SA Management Board's opinion, the deprivation of series F subscription right of the existing Shareholders may be in the Company's interest, allowing for obtaining the financial means within the framework of private subscription from new investors. Acquiring the additional capital shall significantly support the execution of Company's assumed development strategy.


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