Energomontaż Polska wersja
Press service


Modernisation and overhaul of the electrostatic precipitator for power unit 12 in the Łaziska Power Plant

Energomontaż-Południe S.A. announces that on 14 July 2011 concluded an agreement with Południowy Koncern Energetyczny S.A. having a value of PLN 9.3 million.
The subject of that agreement is the modernisation and overhaul of the electrostatic precipitator for power unit 12 at PKE S.A. in the Łaziska Power Plant.

The total value of agreements concluded between the Issuer and the Client in the past 12 months is PLN 22.5 million.

The time period for carrying out the order is 12 months, counting from the date of signing the agreement to the signing of the final report.

The estimated value of the portfolio of orders of the Capital Group is approximately PLN 417.8 million. The Company's portfolio of orders has an estimated value of approximately PLN 384.7 million (including export orders worth about EUR 83.7 million).

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