string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt66a4922929240'" string(81) "Smarty error: problem writing temporary file '//tmp/templates_c/wrt66a4922929323'"  Printing Press Service
Energomontaż Południe

Change of the insolvency status of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. from corporate voluntary arrangement into liquidation bankruptcy

Date: 08.28.2013

On August 28 2013 the District Court Katowice-East in Katowice X Economic Department issued a decision on Company's request to change the insolvency status of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. from corporate voluntary arrangement into liquidation bankruptcy...

On August 28, 2013, the District Court Katowice-East in Katowice X Economic Department issued a decision, on Company's request, to change the insolvency status of Energomontaż-Południe S.A. from corporate voluntary arrangement into liquidation bankruptcy. This decision becomes final on the expiry of seven days since the date of delivery of the Company's Management Board, unless a complaint will be filed within that period.

© 2009 Energmontaż - Południe S.A.